The Home Page

Mysterious staircase in a library, a photo by Kieran-Sheehan at Unsplash

What's up there? Or down there? And, is that a 1st edition copy of The Famous Five Do Vegas?

Image by Kieran Sheehan

Hello. If you found me, you must be in need of a story. I hope you can find one to your liking. I write genre fiction, which is a fancy way of saying I write about monsters, aliens, time travel, and occasionally, people falling in, and out of love. Usually a monster is involved there too.

Please browse wherever you'd like, and read. The stories are free (as in beer), and may be reproduced or copied for educational and personal use. I alone reserve the right to commercial use, which is barely worth the trouble anyway.

I have stories for grown ups and big kids, and big boys and girls too. Where appropriate I've tried to add an age rating, both for content, but also reading ability, so you'll have a rough idea when your own child can read these to you. Reading standards vary between schools in the same town, let alone across the world, so do bring a big thumb for that pinch of salt.

